Project Abstract
Project Location
The project is located in the uplands of Pine Hollow Creek, a steelhead bearing tributary of Rock Creek. Pine Hollow Creek flows into the John Day River in Wheeler County, Oregon near the town of Mitchell.
Project Need
The area has been heavily encroached by Western Juniper, which has a negative effect on water quality, quantity, and both upland and riparian habitat. Past grazing management practices have been limited by stockwater needs and previous management. This has had a negative impact on the riparian corridors, as well as the upland health and vigor.
Proposed Project Work
This project seeks to address the negative impacts Western Juniper imposes on the watershed functions, and promote the distribution of livestock grazing patterns. There will be 430 acres of Western Juniper cut and piled to be jackpot burned at a later date. A livestock watering system will be installed with two 1,800 gallon cistern tanks, which will supply 7 livestock watering troughs. East Cocklebur Creek, adjacent to the proposed upland work, will also be enrolled into CREP to ensure that watershed benefits are protected.
Project Partners
Partners include USDA/FSA, the landowner, Wheeler SWCD, and OWEB.