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Project Abstract


Project Location

The project is located on Bridge Creek approximately 3 miles upstream of Mitchell, Oregon. The project involves the correction of limiting, factors on a 2000 ft stream section. 

Project Need

Bridge Creek is a high priority watershed for steelhead habitat restoration. One of the limiting factors for steelhead in this basin is the absence of habitat complexity.  This limiting factor is presented at the project site in the deficiency of large woody debris, high degree of substrate embeddedness, a lack of pools, and insufficient spawning gravels. Juniper density is high on the slopes and benches along this section of Bridge Creek.

Proposed Project Work

The proposal seeks to combine a juniper removal project with habitat creation in Bridge Creek. Eighty acres of high priority juniper will be cleared using NRCS funds. sixty-eight of the felled/pulled juniper will be used as large woody debris in this project's in-stream habitat creation. a berm will be removed to allow flood waters access to a historic channel. Vertical post structures will be used to promote beaver activity and provide gravel sorting. 

Project Partners 

OWEB funds will be used for planning, engineering oversite, construction, and instream work. 

Project Completion Report


Monitoring Reports

PISR #1 216-6015-12130_5.25.21.pdf