Project Abstract
Project Location
This project is located on Badger Creek, Six miles southeast of the town of Mitchell in Wheeler County.
Project Need
Badger Creek is an important steelhead tributary of Mountain Creek. Identified during the Mountain Creek Rach Assessment, this sixth highest diversion is a barrier to all lfie stages of steelhead.
Proposed Project Work
Besides replacing the diversion, other components of the project include replacing a failing bridge, installing instream habitat and bank pullbacks to reconnect to the floodplain; and installing dual pipelines and dual flow measuring devices to replace 3,460' of open ditch that currently conveys two water rights. The diversion will be replaced with a stream simulation type, similar to a successful one installed upstream. Two acres will also be enrolled into CREP.
Project Partners
Partners on the project include Wheeler SWCD, NRCS and CTWS/BPA.
Project Completion Report
Final_Report_14306.pdfMonitoring Reports